Raising for Writing

A project by: Cressida Peever


WE RAISED £1,166

from 31 donors

This project received pledges on Sun 31 May 2015

Only project creators and their users can post comments.

I have resigned up for 45 pounds & 15 pounds as I have had difficulty repledging as you had difficulty with my Paypal account. Hopefully this time it will work on Paypal . If not I'll just give you my visa . Let me know please

For to be wise and love exceeds man's might.

Wishing you the best in your fundraising efforts.

Your beautiful poem made me cry. I liked the one about your Mum, too xx

Good luck to you Cressida, you have an amazing talent! Best wishes Caroline

go for it Cressida.....write something beautiful x

Best of luck Cressida, hope you reach your goal and I'm looking forward to reading your work in the future :D

I really hope you raise all the money you need! I will be sure to forward your story to others. Good luck

I know £5 isn't much but not giving anything would be wrong. Have an amazing time :)

If there's a post on Facebook about this, I'm demanding my money back!