A project by: Donne Theron

pledged of £6,000 target

This project did not reach its target.

Completion Date: Thu 29 Oct 2015
Every dream fulfilled begins with a simple wish

A short summary of MY Idea

- I am starting my own business to produce handmade products like wooden trays, cotton bags, etc. which will create jobs for people who wants be creative and work with their hands.

- I have big dreams for my business. I want to move forward with my business to create as many jobs that I can and to help others. I want to express my creativity in my products.

- My main focus is to help women empowerment.

Who am I?

- I am a person just like you are with a dream and wish to start her own business and to help others.

- I am a female and if I have my heart set on something I put everything in to make it work. 

- I am not afraid to work and if I fail at something I never stay down I keep on trying I do not just give up.

- I am honest and you can count on me to make a success of my business.

Your story

- I had a candy floss business when I was only 13 and I made a huge success out of it but I had to sell it because my time wasn't enough to go to high school and to run my business. I have graduated and now I have the time on my hands to run a business again. 

- I want to create handmade gifts/products to sell and buy that I instantly create jobs for other women to join in and earn money.

- This is important to me because this is my dream and everybody wants their dream to come true. This is important because I can help other people financially. 

- By helping me you help someone else to earn an income and they can look after their families.

Where will the money go?

- My minimum will buy a laser engraver to make our wood products unique and to give us the possibility to sell more products. I beautiful product with a nice front-end sell more and faster then a plain product.

- The full amount money will go for a fabric printer, two laptops to design on, materials, tools, vinyl cutter, sewing machines.

- I will save the extra money I get from donors for future expansion

- I want to create a Facebook page to keep the whole world up to date with our company

This is just and break down of the costs:

- Machinery needed : £2000

- Work place to hire for a year: £2000

- Material: £500

- Production costs: £1000

- Marketing costs: £500


- Hey, we have some fab rewards to thank everyone who donates, whatever the amount you might give. Check them out.

More info on where to find us

- When the company is up and running I will create a website and a Facebook page and let you know to go and like our page to stay up to date so please provide me with an email address on which I can contact you

Help us succeed!

- You don't need to give money to help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog.

- In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.

- And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen.

- Thank you :)