Yet another curious case of abnormal persistence

A project by: Urtė Laukaitytė


WE RAISED £6,612

from 130 donors

This project received pledges on Sat 11 Oct 2014

Only project creators and their users can post comments.

Good luck in your project, I'm doing a similar thin on here so check it out and give me a share please :)

Have a fun Scotland!

Good luck!

Urte, džiaugiuosi matydamas tokį trykštantį užsidegimą, siekant svajonės! Didžiausios sėkmės kelyje!

I think you should be able to pay without paypal, as having to set up paypal might deter contributors

Sekmes Jums Urte! Tikiuosi jog susirinks ta suma pinigeliu ir Jusu kelias ves ten kur nulemta. Viskam yra dar ir Dievulio valia.

Good luck!

Good luck!! Didziausios sekmes!

I wish Urte the best of luck :)))

Best of luck Urtė - Sandy

Hey Urté, have you tried crowdsourcing with Bitcoin? You can create an online wallet (takes a couple of minutes) and share a QR code with your networks Here's one: Good luck, by the way!

Go Urte! I can't wait to see you achieve the goal! :)

Good luck! By the way, love the accent ^^

Good luck! You should go and have a chat with Demis Hassabis and friends.