Wearable technology workshop for Girl Guides

A project by: Charlotte Godley



from 32 donors

This project received pledges on Thu 06 Mar 2014

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Catherine - I'd love to!

Great idea! If you feel like extending this project to Brownies can we volunteer??? 1st Nailsea Brownies.

This is a really great idea, I have been trying to introduce technology to Guides and Brownies through amateur radio and simple flashing led projects for a number of years. I'm sure the Guides will love it.

Congratulations on reaching your funding goal!

Yay. Congrats.

Good luck Girls

Pob lwc.

ha ha hey, whatsa ll the hubbub about this pro ject eh???

Great idea - good luck with obtaining the funding!

Done. Would've loved this when I was a GG! Good luck :)

You go girl! Hope you get enough sponsorship to make it work :-)

I love edtech projects!